"What, if Anything, is to be Done?" (2012), Chapter co-authored with Kay Schlozman, Sidney Verba, and Henry Brady, in Schlozman, Verba, and Brady: The Un-Heavenly Chorus: Unequal Political Voice in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
“'If I Bend This Far I Will Break?': Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage" (2007), Chapter co-authored chapter with Clyde Wilcox, Paul Brewer, and Celinda Lake, in The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage, eds. Clyde Wilcox and Craig Rimmerman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
"Redefining the Stonewall: When and Why the Gay Rights Movement Adopted Marriage Equality as its Top Priority" (2014), Co-authored with David Manella, Harvard College, Conference paper prepared for presentation at the New England Political Science Association's annual meeting. Woodstock, Vermont, April 25-26
“What, if Anything, Shall be Done (about Inequalities in Participation)?” (2011), Co-authored with Kay Schlozman, Sidney Verba, and Henry Brady. Conference paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association’s annual meeting, April. Palmer House Hilton: Chicago, IL.
"The Gender Consciousness of Conservative Women" (2005), Co-authored with Clyde Wilcox and Carin Larson Robinson. Conference paper, presented at American Political Science Association's annual meeting, August. Washington DC.